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Dream Chaser

A Novel by Pat Spears

ISBN #978-1-940189-02-4

Paperback - 360 pages


Jesse McKnight wakes one morning to find that his wife has left him, searching for “something better.” Her departure thrusts him into the role of single parent to their three children, who are skeptical of his clumsy attempts to bridge years of emotional absence. His artistic son, Cole, is ashamed of his father’s inability to affect a more promising future. Sky, the youngest, can only be consoled by her older sister, ten-year-old Katie, a tough realist who desperately wants to give her father a second chance. It’s Katie’s dream of owning a horse that leads Jesse to purchase, sight unseen from a brutal owner, a mustang mare. On the day the mustang is delivered, the terrified animal crashes through a hastily constructed corral and escapes into the nearby national forest, and Jesse vows to a broken-hearted Katie that he will find and return the mare.

Dream Chaser

SKU: 978-1-940189-02-4
$14.95 Regular Price
$10.00Sale Price

Pat Spears’s second novel, It’s Not Like I Knew Her was released in July 2016 by Twisted Road Publications and received the bronze award for LGBTQ Fiction from Foreword Review. Her debut novel, Dream Chaser, was released in 2014. She has twice received honorable mention in the Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition; first in 2013 for her story “Stranger At My Door” and again in 2015 for her story “Free Ride”. Her short stories have appeared in numerous journals, including North American Review, Sinister Wisdom, Appalachian Heritage, Common Lives, Lesbian Lives, and Seven Hills Review, and anthologies titled Law and Disorder from Main Street Rag, Bridges and Borders from Jane’s Stories Press, Saints and Sinners: New Fiction from the Festival 2012, and Walking the Edge, a southern gothic anthology from Twisted Road Publications. Her short story “Whelping” was a finalist for the Rash Award and appears in the 2014 issue of Broad River Review. She is a sixth generation Floridian and lives in Tallahassee, Florida with her partner, two dogs and one rabbit.

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